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Rumble in the Jungle Rematch

Tickets für: Rumble in the Jungle Rematch
Von € 55,40

Rumble in the Jungle Rematch

Gespeicherte entfernen
The greatest time-travelling, immersively creative, theatrical experience of alllll times! Part theatre show, part festival. Rematch re-imagines history’s greatest sporting moments as incredible immersive events. Bringing life to the music, culture, fashion and downright fun that surrounded these seminal events. Rematch is a time-machine that takes you back to where It Happened. So you can witness it happening all over again. First hand. Just for you.

Direkte Bestätigung

E-Ticket akzeptiert


Rumble in the Jungle Rematch

Retail Park, Unit 1 Canada Water, Surrey Quays Rd London SE16 2XU


Deutscher Kundenservice

072 011 6118 072 011 6118

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